McLain High School is a Tulsa Public School located at North 49th Peoria. It is only 15 miles from this office, but it feels like a world away. For many children and teens, food is not readily available and there are no grocery stores in proximity for those who are on foot.

…. we serve pre-game meals, drop off snack/sandwich boxes for teams, prepare and hand out weekend ‘snack’ bags to 45+ kids each Friday, make and take sack lunches to 15 kids 2x week. We are joined by people from all over the Tulsa area who come to help us serve these kids, families, administrators and coaches. Our volunteers come as friends, families, bible study groups, church groups, youth groups, service organizations, companies, couples and more. However they come, we welcome the help!
Mac & Cheese Cups
16 or 28 oz Squeeze-able Peanut Butter & Jelly
Trail Mix Packets
Beef Jerky Snack Packs
Oatmeal Packages
Nutri-Grain Kid Packs
Drop off food items at our office now through April 16th.
Visit thisisustulsa.org to give a financial contribution for food items.