Get a $50 gift card for each referral!
The best compliment we can receive as an Orthodontic office is the referral of one of our patient’s friends or family members! A patient referral is the ultimate sign that we are doing a great job. Here at Cooper & Misner Orthodontics we strive to treat all of our patients like family. Plus, there’s perks to referring someone to our office!
When you refer a patient who begins treatment with our office, you will receive a $50 gift card (500 hub points) through your
Patient Rewards Hub account!
You could also win a $100 Visa gift card!
When you refer a patient to our office, once they start treatment you will be entered into a drawing for 1 of 5 $100 Visa gift cards! This quarterly drawing will be in addition to the $50 gift card you will already receive through your Rewards Hub account.
Refer someone today!
Telling others about Cooper & Misner Orthodontics not only benefits you, but it also means your family & friends could have a great smile too! Just have the person you are referring mention your name when they schedule their consultation so that we know you referred them. You can even send them
this link to request a free consultation with us to get started! Question? Learn more
here or give us a call at (918)488-8889 for more information!
If you’re referring someone that lives in the same household as you, this won’t qualify – BUT, the sibling/child/parent will get a $250 sibling/household discount off of their total treatment costs!